
I think all these pics speak for themselves.. i don't need to narrate anything! I am so so proud of my girls.. I knew from the beginnin of this year that they had the talent, dances, and costuming to be state champs-- it was goin to be all up to them to see if they wanted it the most and if they showed up to dance. Did they ever!!! It was was one the best days ever ( next to my wedding day, jake coming home, and paisley being born.. and many more)... They deserved it so much also. We have had some trials this year but we got through them and become a stronger team because of it. It was so crazy this year cause we didn't just have 1 team that was competition there were about 7 other teams besides us and cedar that were awesome also so it made winning that much more fun to. At the awards we had takin a 1st in Military.. 1st in Dance.. and a 4th in Kick--- we were so scared for kick but we actually tied for 1st with Cedar and they got a 1st in Kick.. 2nd in Military,, and a 3rd in Dance- so what it was goin to come down to was rankin points.. which I freakin hate but we ended up winnin by 3 points so it was freakin awesome!!! I wasn't goin to put this on here but I have to.. I freakin peed my pants and I had no idea until the cheerin had almost stopped.. haha I have a picture of it but decided not to post it haha.. it was also so fun cause my 2 sisters dance for Millard and they ended up takin state also.. they have also had quite the year but at the last minute they changed routines and costumes and won it! Wahoo!! I love the pic with my team and millard with our trophys.....last year we both took 2nd so we got a 2nd placers picture to.. I could go on and on about things that happened this year- the good and that bad- but I think i will leave it at that:) So proud of these girls and I'm goin to miss these girls so so much. As most of you know I will not be doin it next year cause we will most likely be moving but i'm so glad I got to know these girls.. i love them with all my heart! Congrats Talons!!