Thursday, March 31, 2011


Someone I love lost their baby yesterday. Someone I love lost their life last night. Someone I know took their life yesterday.  Someone who was apart of my life for 14 years- whom I called grandma lost their life last week.Two people that I love are getting a divorce.  Someone I love lost someone they love over the weekend. Why is Pandora playin so many sad songs today?? I have so many emotions right now..just when I start stressing about money and where and when Jake will get a job I have to sit back and just enjoy everyone and everything in my life. In times as this I always refer back to the quote "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it"... I hate that when it rains... it pours! Sorry this is such a downer post... I feel like curling up in a ball with Pais and just crying...apart of me loves crying.. its very theraputic for me and healthy. I hate that so many people I love are in pain right now. I wish I could take the pain away from them. I do love the fact that I get to see so many loved ones soon despite why were there.. This is just another testimony to me that I ask myself- "am I doin the things I need to to get where I'm goin and to be with my loves someday?" Am I being the person and treatin people with love and respect that would maybe save a life?  Am I being the kind of wife that I want/need to be so that the "thought" never crosses Jake's mind. Life is so so good my friends and we need to cherish everyday life, and the people who our in our lives before its to late...I love my life and the people who are in it and I love to meet new people everyday and to hear their stories. Thanks for letting me jaunt down my thoughts. AMEN.


Jessica Madsen said...

This certaintly is a sad day. I am so sorry you are struggling and have lost so much recently. We are thinking of you and the family. Many, many prayers are with you!

Whit said...

I wish I could give you a huge hug Nat. I really really do miss you and you have know idea how much you really did for me and how many of my days were better because of you. Love you nat

Shane and Zandy said...

We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time! I know that Heavenly Father will bring you peace and comfort!

Nicole said...

I'm sorry you are going thorugh all this right now, Nat! But I agree with Zandy that you will feel peace and comfort. Perfect timing for General
Conference to give you the boost you need even more now. I love you!

Nicole said...

Ps. You definitely ARE the kind of person who lifts others and makes their days brighter!

Heidi Madsen said...

Sweet Nat, you are such a special person and I feel extremely blessed to know you and have you as a wonderful exapmle in my life. And yes, I am sure you are doing things right! I agree, the circumstances of seeing you are very sad but I look forward to visiting with you. Thank you for being who you are! xoxo

Sarah said...

I am so sorry Nat. I just love you is all!!

Chelseys Blog said...

So sorry for each loss and the heartbreak of each situation. I hope you and your loved ones will be comforted during this time of great loss.

FaMiLiEs ArE FoReVeR*

..."I believe in the family where there
is a husband who regards his
companion as his greatest asset and
treats her accordingly;
where there is a wife who looks upon
her husband as her anchor and strength.
The cultivation of such a home
requires effort and energy,
forgiveness and patience,
and, endurance, and sacrifice;
but it is worth all of these and more."....

.. Gordan B. Hinckley