Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I am proud to say that I am a proud new aunt of 2 of the cutest boys ever.. Pais is so glad she has 2 new cousins :) And Jake is happy to have 2 more nephews to tease.. haha  Congrats Alan, Jennie, Maddy, Mason,  and Jalen on your new addition of baby boy Ashton! Also.. Congrats to Travis and Meagan on baby boy Jack!!!

Baby Jack

Baby Ashton and proud sister and brothers

1 comment:

Casey and Samantha said...

The Alan and Diane Dyreng residence is going to be one hoppin place when in a few years... what a crew you guys will have! So cute! I'm way excited to see them!

Hope you guys had fun at the cabin. We were so sad we couldn't make it...

FaMiLiEs ArE FoReVeR*

..."I believe in the family where there
is a husband who regards his
companion as his greatest asset and
treats her accordingly;
where there is a wife who looks upon
her husband as her anchor and strength.
The cultivation of such a home
requires effort and energy,
forgiveness and patience,
and, endurance, and sacrifice;
but it is worth all of these and more."....

.. Gordan B. Hinckley